Here are some great websites where you can learn even more about the ocean and all the cool creatures who live there!
Help protect the last healthy, undisturbed places in the ocean so we can learn how to help healthy reefs thrive, help unhealthy reefs recover, and better preserve the ocean.
The Oceans for Youth Foundation is a nonprofit foundation designed to actively promote underwater education, and an appreciation and respect for the oceans in today's youth. It is the foundation's belief that a young person introduced early to the wonders of the oceans will become much more environmentally aware, and practice lifelong attitudes of ocean conservation, preservation and protection.
Go up in a spaceship. Look at Earth. It is mostly blue. That's because almost three-fourths of Earth is covered by water. Some of the water is freshwater. It is found in rivers, lakes, and ponds. But most of Earth's water is in the salty oceans. Or should we say "ocean"? There are five oceans. But they are all connected. So it's really just one big ocean
Laern some cool facts about the ocean and the creatures that live in and around the ocean.
Check out these fun ocean facts for kids and learn more about the regions of water that cover much of the Earth’s surface. Enjoy a range of interesting facts about the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Arctic and Southern Oceans as well as information relating to marine life, historical events and amazing statistics
Oceans cover two thirds of our planet and they are teaming with marine animals. Go to Neo12K to learn more about the amazing creatures living in the ocean.